healthy. dumbbell. kettlebell

Redefining Healthy

By conventional standards, I’m “healthy.” However, I struggle with lack of energy, a changing body composition, weight gain, and a vague sense of not feeling “like myself.” Perhaps you can relate? I was hit with a nasty combination of infections just over a year ago and recovery has been challenging. However, I am committed to creating a level of health that will help me live my best life now and well into my future. For me, it has meant redefining “healthy” and seeking out sources that provide scientific, balanced information and resources focused on optimal health.

One of these voices is Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. She was recently a guest on the Huberman Lab podcast, also a trusted source on my health journey. Dr. Lyon focuses on muscular health and the importance of protein and strength. Perhaps even more importantly, she takes a holistic approach and recognizes that mindset is a key component of health, in my experience, that is absolutely foundational, but often overlooked.

A few key points I’ve taken from Dr. Lyon are:

  • Muscle contraction is medicine. Daily movement, such as walking, is important but resistance training 3 days/ week is critical too.
  • Proper protein intake is key to building muscle (not Arnold Schwarzenegger muscle, but health sustaining muscle). She recommends roughly 1g of protein per pound of ideal body weight. (Most of us get MUCH less than this daily.)
  • A shift in mindset to focusing on standards, not goals. To paraphrase, stop chasing goals and set standards that are consistent and help you create a framework to help you execute daily.
  • Believe you are worthy. “A person will only ever be as healthy as they feel they are worthy of.”

I am by no means an expert, but I am committed to living these ideals daily – making the best choices I can and consciously, intentionally working towards a life of optimal health.

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