Newspaper article. Teachers who inspire us

Teachers Who Inspire Us

Reese Witherspoon’s recent pick of her high school English teacher Margaret Renkl’s book The Comfort of Crows as her 100th book club selection caused me to reflect on my own high school years. I was fortunate to have some wonderful teachers and coaches throughout that time; many who supported me and taught me valuable lessons in and out of the classroom. But one in particular encouraged my love of writing.

Mrs. Williams was always kind with an infectious smile. I fondly remember her classroom as inclusive and welcoming. But it was her belief in me as a writer that impacted me the most.

She invited me to be a part of the school newspaper. Although I had always written in journals from a young age, I’d never considered myself a writer. So, when Mrs. Williams asked me to join the newspaper staff, my incredulous response was, “Me?”. And that’s when she said with her wonderful, wide smile, “Yes, you’re a great writer Melissa.” I had never heard this before. I was a good student, but a writer? I’d never considered it.

That’s the power teachers have, to be the voice that lives in your head and reminds you who you are. I’m grateful she identified that skill in me and allowed me to develop it. While I didn’t pursue a degree in journalism, it gave me the first inklings of a lifelong passion. Writing has been a foundational part of my life, it’s how I work through ideas and challenges, it’s a creative outlet and a release.

Now, over thirty years later, I’m reminded of those words once more. Thank you to all the teachers who encourage their students, giving them confidence in their gifts and abilities, even perhaps before they see it in themselves. I can only imagine Margaret Renkl did the same for a young Reese as well.

Melissa signature

The photo is of a story I wrote and saved the drafts, sadly, I didn’t keep any of the original newspapers. Notice this was when we literally cut and pasted photos into the stories!




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